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      Can Menopause Improve Your Sex Life?

      Menopause and Sex Life Seattle WA

      Menopause brings on a host of physical and emotional changes. With a list of dreaded symptoms associated with menopause taking the wheel, it’s hard to imagine the ride being a fun one, particularly when it comes to intimacy. With your partner possibly experiencing Andropause, the likelihood of getting any satisfaction at all appears small.

      However, with a little help from naturopathic medicine and the positive changes associated with menopause, you could be in for a delightful surprise.

      Consider the side effects of menopause that could be beneficial to your sex life:

      1. No more menses: Monthly periods, as well as the physical and emotional changes experienced during PMS, can put a real damper on your sex life for up to two weeks each month. During menopause, most women gladly say goodbye to years of maxi pads and mood swings, which leaves many with the urge to merge.
      2. Zero pregnancy fears: Whether three children completed your family or you decided that family equals just the two of you, your years of worrying about accidental conception are over. Side effects from the pill? Gone. Condoms? Forget about it. With birth control planning out of the way and no threat of conception, you can feel- and live- free.
      3. Kids are all grown-up: Empty nest? Try empty house. Without little ones pitter-pattering around the house and interrupting your intimate moments, you and your partner have more time and space to be together. With your home all to yourselves, any room is fair game. Bonus: without children waking you up in the middle of the night, you and your partner will be more well-rested than ever, which leaves more energy for a different priority: each other.
      4. You know yourself: Nothing is sexier than feeling confident in your own skin and knowing what you want in bed. By the time menopause finds you, your selfhood is fully formed. You have had years of experience and time to learn exactly what you want and need. This awareness often leads to more sexual satisfaction and improved sexual functioning.
      5. Increased desire: That’s right, hormonal changes during menopause may cause women to want sex more, not less. Libido, once limited by birth control pills, may now return full force. If not, bioidentical hormones can help. Naturally synthesized hormones from organic sources can seamlessly replace your declining levels with progesterone, estradiol, and, in some cases, even testosterone, proven effective in increasing female libido levels.
      6. Financial stability: For many menopausal women, years of making mortgage payments and boosting credit have paid off, and you have a little extra cash for expensive lingerie or a sexy tropical vacation. Menopause can be a rich time to tap the piggy bank and give back to your love life.
      7. Time to experiment: While hormonal changes during midlife can cause vaginal dryness, there has never been a better time to seek out new experiences and experiment with different types of lubricants. Many are designed to increase blood flow, causing an increase in pleasure. If necessity is the mother of invention, then less pleasurable side effects of menopause can lead to a sexual breakthrough when combined with a little creativity and a trip to your local drugstore.
      8. Steady career: By midlife, many women have settled down into careers that fulfill and sustain them. Even if you don’t currently hold your dream job, you have likely embraced the stability of a regular paycheck rather than chasing your purpose without promise of pay. Women who have embraced and even attained their career goals tend to stress less. Reduction in stress levels is proven to boost libido and openness to new sexual experiences.
      9. More mature partners: Sexual problems can strike at any age, but women entering menopause are more likely to enjoy relationships with partners that are secure enough in themselves to seek help for sexual dysfunction. Performance issues can be remedied through use of vibrators and other sex toys, and mature partners are generally more open to experimentation without taking the change personally.

      While menopause is traditionally associated with hormone shifts that cause negative side effects, this time of change can work wonders for your sex life. By embracing new ways of experiencing your own body and that of your partner’s, and bidding farewell to major life stressors including financial woes, raising children, and even monthly periods, a new phase of sexual enjoyment can begin.

      If menopause is giving you issues instead of freedom, contact Water’s Edge Natural Medicine today. We can help ease your menopausal symptoms so you can enjoy this satisfying time of life.

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